(since 2009)
Tenthaus is an art collective originating from an artist in schoool project that manifests in a variety of scenario, forms and situations. This ranges from exhibition making as curators & artists, participatory projects and artistic interventions in public spheres such as in the local schools, senior centre, and public spaces.
Tenthaus collective practice is a longitudinal commitment to co-developing ideas. The discussion of collective responsibilities, ethics, power relations and issues of social justice is central to developing projects.
Making works with a participant group of students has been a long term collaborative project for the members of the collective. Workshop practices develop alongside the dialogue between the artists and the students and both feed into the experience and thinking behind the thesis.
"Many of my thoughts during the course of my doctoral project have reverberated between the walls of the university institution and Tenthaus space of collectivity.  The format of collective work affects both form and content of the thesis". (Eriksen, 2023)
Helen Eriksen is a co-founder and present day chair of Tenthaus.
Tenthaus held workshops with Gudskul in Dokumenta 15 (2023) and was curator of the 12th edition of Mometum Biennale, Together as to gather (2023)

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